Many people live in a state of eternal drama and chaos and think they can get away with this by labeling it as Passion. Bob Burg
I see an organization torn by drama.
I am deeply saddened.
I want my organization to be happy,
to be the place I love to go.
Where I am nourished in my soul,
challenged in my spirit
and soothed and invigorated in my body.
This was the organization that delighted me.
Experiencing this was why I joined.
Waaaaahhh! Wahhhhh!
I grieve the loss of my heavenly experience
and approach with nervous apprehension.
I dwell on what is mine to do and what is not.
I feel panic in the air.
I see strain and suspicion everywhere.
I want to hide in the sand
and turn back the clock
and have it all be perfect again.
It’s not an option.
The womb has a one way exit and
the labor pains were harsh.
Some one slapped me upside my back.
My only choice is grow or die.
And die one must–to the ego
To the need to be right
To the addiction of drama
To the illusion that peacemaking will suffice
To covert and overt threats
To ongoing undermining threads
To fear masquerading as passion
To anti-chaos
Wow– the 11th month of the 11th year
The one’s of great beginnings
How wondrous that so many new adventures appear
For each person departing and arriving
How awesome that spirit has led us here
And soon we will be thriving
If we all together recall our deepest goals
That brought you here.
Remember your purpose in joining
What you said you wanted
Seek that and ask of yourself:
Is it still that I seek?
Is it possible to find what I seek here?
If so, what must happen for that to occur?
If not, where else can you go?
If so, what is mine to do?
What is ours to do?
What is God’s to do?
Is peace your goal? Is peacemaking your goal?
Is that all you seek?
Do you seek peace to get away from the chaos?
Is there a greater goal than peace within this organization?
Is peace a result of achieving a greater goal?
How can healing the wounds in peacemaking processes rectify what has happened?
Can peace alone, healing wounds alone, prevent another outbreak of
The organization needs to understand LEADERSHIP.
There is a distinct lack of discussion about leadership principles.
Where is the underlying organizational leadership skill?
The body must lead itself, the board and the executive.
The board must lead itself, the body and the executive.
The executive must lead the self, the body and the board.
The trinity of the three forces must agree on the meaning of leadership and do it.
The success of the organization will never outpace the leadership ability of those in charge.
Leadership principles are teachable skills that the entire membership can benefit from learning.
Learn to lead those beside, below and above you in authority.
Learn to effectively lead others, by mastering leading your self.
Learn that leadership works when you add value to others.
Imagine the entire organization undertaking the study of leadership in the same way the organization united in studying the 5 Principles.
Imagine reading the same book,
arriving at the same understanding of the leadership principles.
Imagine as you discover the principles, that you can reflect on your past
And see where your choices were not in alignment with adding value to you or others.
See how it is possible to lead the organization in a new way.
It is the month of ones.
We are heading to the ones and twos where a huge shift must occur.
To survive this shift we must have leaders who understand how to serve, how to add value.
I am a certified Speaker Trainer Coach for the John Maxwell Organization.
No one in the world reaches more people on the subject of Leadership.
And churches in over 170 countries are trained in his leadership approach.
40 Million books on the subject have been sold by him.
I am available to lead this study group process.
I have offered several times to add value to this organization.
The Body, the Executive and the Board must all want it together.
If you want to stop crying about the burst bubble, and get back to peace,
A Radical change in the culture of this organization must occur.
Believe in the most noble intent of each and every member.
Believe every action of another is evidence of the most honorable intent.
Choose to know truth, not jumping to conclusions.
Choose to grow truth, not making stuff up to prove you are right.
Look to be pleased by the environment, relinquish your search to be offended.
You must demand it of yourself to learn.
You must demand it of your organization to grow in a radical way.
The effort to improve tithes,
to kiss and make up,
to replace the missing parts will automatically appear effortlessly when true commitment to learning leadership skills is made en masse.
People will want to lead themselves well,
and will be models of inspiration,
will lead their families well,
their businesses well
and the organization well.
This will draw growth and heal the wounds.
This will restore peace and pave the pathway to gratitude and forgiveness.
Yaaay– there is a way.
start reading today:
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by Dr. John C. Maxwell