Come to the edge, he said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them and they flew.
Guillaume Apollinaire
Where in them are they invited to step to the edge?
Who calls them there?
Who in them calls them there?
Who are They?
Who in me is he that said Come?
Who in me is the they?
What is their edge?
Of what are they afraid?
Why do they come?
Why did he push them?
How did they fly?
Where did they fly?
Why did they fly?
Is flying good?
Is pushing fair?
What if they didn’t fly?
Is flight a miracle?
Is flight a right?
Is flight optional?
Is flight good?
What did he sound like that or’ rode their fear?
What was beyond the edge that frightened them?
Did they fly in fear?
From fear?
Would they come to the edge again?
Would they ever trust him again?
What did he get from their flight?
Why did they fear?
How did they fear?
What did they think would happen if they came to the edge?
Were they happy about flying?
Did the push violate their free will?
Did flight free their frightened will?
Will they love him any less?
Will they love him more?
Will love enter the equation at all?
Did his push come to shove?
Did they land?
Did they soar?
Did they land sore?
Had they yearned for flight?
Had they known of flight?
Was there a flight plan?
Was it flight or fight?
Is he a flight attendant?
Did he push by another’s commandment?
Who is the other?
Is he also they?
In what way did they thank him?
Or did they resent him?
Did they say ok?
What did he do when they flew?
Did he know what they would do?
Did he know if he flew too?
Were they wearing shoes?
Did the flight cure their blues?
Was there fear or fear no more?
Who is your edge? Where is your ledge?
Who is your he?
What if it were she?
Would your wings still work?
Who said you had wings?
Who said it takes wings to fly?
Who said any of this?
Where in me am I invited to step to the edge?
Why do I come?
Why did I push them?
How did I fly?
Where did I fly?
Why did I fly?
What if I didn’t fly?
What did he sound like that o’er rode my fear?
What did I sound like that o’er rode their fear?
What was beyond the edge that frightened me?
Did I fly in fear?
From fear?
Would I come to the edge again?
Would I ever trust him again?
What did he get from my flight?
What did I get from their flight?
Why did I fear?
How did I fear?
What did I think would happen if I came to the edge?
Was I happy about flying?
Did the push violate my free will?
Did flight free my frightened will?
Will I love him any less?
Will I love him more?
Will love enter the equation at all?
Did my push come to shove?
Did I land?
Did I soar?
Did I land sore?
Had I yearned for flight?
Had I known of flight?
Was I a flight plan?
Was I flight or fight?
Am I a flight attendant?
Did I push by another’s commandment?
Who is my other?
Am I also they?
In what way did I thank me?
Or do I resent me?
Did I say ok?
What did I do when they flew?
Did I know what I would do?
Did I know if I flew too?
Was I wearing shoes?
Did the flight cure my blues?
Was I my fear or fear no more?
Who is my edge?
Where is my ledge?
Who is my he?
What if he were she?
Would my wings still work?
Who said I had wings?
Who said I need wings to fly?
Who said any of this?
Not I