When the actor takes part in any mob or crowd scene, he is inclined to lose his indivduality and feel himself engulfed in the group of people around him -“absorbed” in it, as it were. As a consequence of such a wrong attitude, the actor begins alone to act as if he were the whole […]
“They realized that while they were in states of heightened awareness, their bodies moved involuntarily in certain ways, and that those certain ways were indeed the cause of that unusual sensation of physical and mental plenitude.” Carlos Castenadas In my early pursuit of peak performance, I understood as an athlete, artist, performer that my body required […]
“…art: to give all you have. And what have you?” Michael Chekhov What is the all that YOU can give that a corpse can not? Continuing on from yesterday per my promise to address more about the meaning of “you” as a human and as an artist. THE END IS A MUST READ FOR ALL […]
“Compare the body without life and the body with life. Meditate on this. See how helpless a dead person is, then contrast it with a living person. You should feel a flow of joy because you are alive. Your body will feel full of life. That is what you must give from the stage. Your […]
“We must rejoice in the possession of our physical faculties. We must experience joy in the use of our hands, arms, body, etc. Without this appreciation and the realization of the body and its many possibilities, we cannot really perform as artists.” Michael Chekhov First question—do you possess physical faculties? My answer–duh! I do have […]
It doesn’t matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn’t matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years — we turn on the light and it is […]