People, Places, Things-friends or enemies?

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever entered a space where you felt intimidated? Its interesting how we invite ourselves to feel uncomfortable in certain atmospheres. We humans will go to great lengths to feel comfortable in our surroundings and to avoid places that ” creep us out”.  That is why I so love Michael Chekhov’s idea of “making friends” with the environment.  I can change my entire state with just a quick little mental “Hello, space, thanks for being my friend.” I can in fact make friends with any object or condition and instantly experience a greater sense of ease. I can’t always avoid those uncomfortable situations and so I have a choice whether to subject myself to resentment or fear or frustration, and there by create an unpleasant experience, or to make friends with it, and thereby gain the benefits all friendships supply. Support, belief, encouragement are what I feel from my friends, along with honesty, a good reality check and comfort.

Mentally stating ” Hello, traffic, thank you for being my friend” can help you cope with the stress you might otherwise feel, assist you  in having a clearer head to navigate safely and give you the chance to enjoy the time exactly where you are.  “Making friends with” your bank account, your body, your clothing, your vehicle, your partner, your life and its ups and downs is a great way to enhance your life style so you can achieve Peak Performance Living.  I realize it may sound so simple that it couldn’t work-so just try it on anything that feels like your enemy-lack of time or resources, frustration with achieving goals, people you think are against you.  Its not necessary to tell them, just think it to yourself, or whisper it verbally to yourself.  Consider reviewing for you what your best friends do for you and imagine every one and every thing is your best friend. Surely then, your deepest fears become opportunities for transformation. Enemies can cease to exist.

Lisa GrandmotherSign

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