- Think about it all the time
- read a bunch of best sellers in the same genre as your book
- rehearse your writing in your mind while taking no action to capture it
- swear you’ll write it down, record it, etc. as soon as you….get home, find a recorder, blah blah
- take lots of courses to learn how
- think that if you don’t, you are in some way denying your legacy
- think that if you don’t, you are in some way denying your God-given contract
- think no one else has your understanding of your subject
- think that your life is so interesting everyone will care just because you think you do
- fall in love
- fall out of love
- consume yourself with cleaning
- debate endlessly your true path in life
- be multitalented and pulled by others into areas you are good at but don’t care about
- be in constant need for thrill
- seek instant gratification like weeding
- be a consummate collaborator
- be terrified that your unique contribution really has no validity because it stands on the shoulders of your mentors
- lack total self discipline
- experience deep grief
- incessantly write your stories in your head
- talk your stories away in social conversation
- obsess on perfectionism
- have so many different stories you don’t know which to tell
- do give a crap
- want to just initiate stuff and don’t want to polish
- great ideas, but no delivery without a serious ultimatum-“dead—LINE”
- you get too fancy for human consumption—you talk over folks heads, you can’t bring it down to everyday language
- you are an idea person
- you are dyslexic, add, adhd, and any other medical excuse
- your back hurts when you sit too long.
- You just don’t know where to start, when to stop