
In to it shun

Whenever leaders face a problem, they automatically measure it-and begin solving it–using the Law of Intuition.  #8, John Maxwell Today I took my dog and my cousin and her dog down town to Dallas’ Adolphus Hotel to have cider and sugar cookies while listening to the Turtle Creek Chorale singing beautiful music broadcast live on […]

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Rodney Dangerfield, I know what you mean!

Followers are attracted to people who are better leaders than themselves.  That is the Law of Respect. #7 John Maxwell I think sixth grade was the year I deeply fell into enamour with my teachers. Particularly one teacher who I decide was so powerful I called her Father, instead of Sister. I suspect my indignation […]

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in character

Character makes trust possible.And trust makes leadership possible. That is the Law of Solid Ground. #6. John Maxwell For some reason, 1963 was quite a seminal year for me. A lot happened in my world as we moved from Miami to the DC area. I met Dr. Martin Luther King, hours before he expressed his […]

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this is not worth reading, so skip it.

Frankly, my dear, i don’t give a damn! some frequently misquoted little movie Pretty tired today and not really in the mood to write. Not exactly sure what’s going on, guess its just a bit of overwhelm.  I seem to be crying quite a bit and perhaps I have lost some boundaries. Not quite sure […]

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Big Hearts, Warm Hands, Deep Eyes.

#5 The Law of Addition We add value to others when we… …..Truly value others. …..Make ourselves more valuable to others. #10 The Law of Connection-Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. John Maxwell As  I rummage through the hand basket of memories from grade school, there are some truly inspiring people […]

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The Revenge of a 7 Year Old!

Successes teach you what you’re capable of doing and give you confidence. However, your failures often teach greater lessons. They reveal wrong assumptions, character flaws, errors in judgement, and poor working methods. Law # 4, Navigation Law #19, Timing Ok, so I thought I slid through 2nd grade without any major lessons relating to how […]

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Lifting the LID!

“The Higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership. The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be.”    John Maxwell Every once in a while I get a hankerin’ fer some ice cream. A mountain of beautiful creamy white swirl of soft, lickable ice cream. When that […]

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The Lost Ballerina

Great Leaders gain authority by giving it away. James B. Stockdale #3 The Law of Process: Leadership skill is built one day at a time. #12 The Law of Empowerment-Empower others to lead. I don’t recall a great deal about my second and third grade years regarding lessons in leadership. When I got to fourth […]

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I flunked Kindergarten…almost!

Leadership is influence, pure and simple. (LAW #2) A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. (Law #11) John Maxwell My kindergarten teacher tried to flunk me. Really, she did try, only it was not an option as kindergarten itself was an option. There was no requirement to ‘pass’ kindergarten to go to […]

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a NEW YOU–a NEW ME through MPP

” I knew exactly how I was going to do it….and didn’t come out that way at all”   All of us at some time or another! Through all my years of training as an actor and studying how to train actors, I discovered a path to peak performance that I feel is world class. […]

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