Candidates need to be better actors because voters elect images, not people. Candidates: Actors know how to create images, ask Ronald Reagan. Lisa Dalton, master coach of Michael Chekhov’s technique and author of Murder of Talent says: “Great leaders paint images of life that constituents want to live, just like actors paint the life of […]
Michael Chekhov & the Chart of Inspired Action A Playground for the Craft by Lisa Loving Dalton National Michael Chekhov Association Master Teacher Would you like to be able to get Inspired on-cue? Any time you want? Great! All you need is Michael Chekhov’s Chart for Inspired Acting! It’s in Mala Powers’ Preface to On the […]
Lisa Dalton Blogger welcomes you! Most of these posts are contemplative and were written within a 30 day period of my life several years ago. A brief prompt was given, a limited time for writing was established, a title required and a photo selected all within about 30-40 minutes. I hope you enjoy them and […]
“The future Depends on what we do in the present” Mahatma Gandhi Enjoy Opening the Present! My step-son Marc at Christmas, 2010. I randomly went to my list of pix-picked this one which was listed only by numbers– had no idea even what, when or where this picture file would be–just hoped it might fit! […]
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. Marcus Aurelius In an 8 year elementary school, the eighth graders are the “it” ones in the school. The kids all know […]
Falling, through the window-so many were falling-any little flecks you think you see are there. Things fall. Today, the leaves fell from my great ASH tree. Like giant golden snowflakes, streaming from above I lay in my bed gazing out the window Tibby too was transfixed by the phenomenon Classical music played gently. It […]
“I needed to buy some time to build my credibility with the people. So I developed a strategy.” ( #14 The Law of Buy-In) John Maxwell Perhaps the most notable Seventh Grade act of mine that relates to leadership unfolded in the spring of that year. I believe I mentioned that in 6th grade I […]
Whenever leaders face a problem, they automatically measure it-and begin solving it–using the Law of Intuition. #8, John Maxwell Today I took my dog and my cousin and her dog down town to Dallas’ Adolphus Hotel to have cider and sugar cookies while listening to the Turtle Creek Chorale singing beautiful music broadcast live on […]